Tom Meaglia photo

Tom Meaglia, ChFC®, AEP®,


Chartered Financial Consultant

Investment Advisor Representative

Chartered Retirement Planning Counselor

CA Insurance Lic. #0567507


Meaglia Financial Consulting

2105 Foothill Blvd., #B140, La Verne, CA 91750


Toll Free: 800-386-3700

Bus:         909-593-6105

Cell:         818-681-8600

Fax:         909-593-6120




January/February 2023

Investing for Income

Income investing involves building a portfolio that produces enough profit to pay out a regular income. The success of this strategy depends on selecting investments that are likely to provide a steady stream of cash. Now that interest rates have increased, the yields on fixed income investments are climbing, too.

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Rebalancing in Retirement

While you’re making contributions to your retirement plan(s) consider rebalancing your investments annually to maintain your chosen asset allocation.* It’s easy to do simply by contributing less to the investment class that’s forging ahead and more to the class that’s lagging.

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Are Your Finances Ready for the New Year?

If you’re not sure whether your financial strategy is as comprehensive as it could be, a checklist and your financial professional can help. Get a fresh start in the new year by reviewing the items on the list to see if you’re on track.

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What You Should Know About Annuities

Retirees who are concerned that their savings and investments won’t be enough to sustain them throughout retirement may want to consider purchasing an annuity. Annuities can provide a stream of income for as long as you live or for a specified number of years. When it comes to the timing of purchasing an annuity, you essentially have two options: immediate or deferred.

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Preventing and Surviving a Tax Audit

Recognizing the most common audit triggers may help you avoid them. But, if your business is selected for an audit, having all your information organized, with help from your tax advisor, can get you through it.

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Tax Treatment Varies with Income Sources

Taxation of retirement income is not a one-size-fits-all proposition. How your retirement income is taxed depends on where it comes from and, in some cases, the total amount of income you receive. Knowing how each type of income is taxed can help you and your tax professional plan and potentially minimize the amount you owe.

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Claiming Life Insurance Benefits

If one of your estate planning goals is to ensure assets remain in your family, an inheritance trust may be an option to consider. Leaving assets in a trust allows your children to keep inherited assets separate from marital assets and protects assets from creditors during financial hardship.

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Make Your Mortgage Easier to Live With

The upside to owning a house is you’re building equity. The downside is the substantial amount of interest you’ll pay over the life of the loan. Finding a way to reduce that amount is a smart financial move.

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Budgeting During Uncertain Times

The economy has been on an uncertain path lately. More and more people earn income that varies each month due to fluctuating work hours or multiple part-time jobs, making budgeting a difficult task. Still, you can start the new year off right by improving your money management skills, even when your monthly income is uncertain.

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Top Reasons for Power Outage Increases

Power outages have been steadily increasing in the U.S., both in frequency and duration. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, electricity customers experienced slightly more than eight hours of power interruptions in 2020, up from 3.5 hours in 2013, the first year that data was collected.

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Power Surges: Are You Protected?

The lights flicker off, and your computer screen goes blank. When the lights come back on, your computer doesn’t. A power surge could be the reason.

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Steer Clear of Money-wasting Traps

You work hard for your money, so you don’t want to spend it frivolously. Keep control of your finances by avoiding traps like these that can waste your cash.

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ADA Compliance May Prevent Lawsuits

As the owner of a small business, you may have a legal obligation to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. The ADA prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in several areas, including employment, transportation, public accommodations, communications and access to state and local government programs and services.

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Thomas Meaglia is an Investment Adviser Representative of Coppell Advisory Solutions LLC, dba, Fusion Capital Management, a registered investment adviser that only conducts business in jurisdictions where it is properly registered, or is excluded or exempted from registration requirements. Registration as an investment adviser is not an endorsement of the firm by securities regulators and does not mean the adviser has achieved a specific level of skill or ability. The firm is not engaged in the practice of law or accounting.
Insurance and annuity products are not sold through Fusion Capital Management. Fusion does not endorse any annuity or insurance product, nor does it guarantee any insurance or annuity performance. Annuity and life insurance guarantees are subject to the claims-paying ability of the issuing insurance company. If you withdraw money from or surrender your contract within a certain time after investing, the insurance company may assess a surrender charge. Withdrawals may be subject to tax penalties and income taxes. Persons selling annuities and other insurance products receive compensation for these transactions. These commissions are separate and distinct from Fusion's investment advisory fees.
Meaglia Financial Consulting and LTM Marketing Specialists LLC are unrelated companies. This publication was prepared for the publication’s provider by LTM Client Marketing, an unrelated third party. Articles are not written or produced by the named representative.

The information and opinions contained in this web site are obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but their accuracy cannot be guaranteed. The publishers assume no responsibility for errors and omissions or for any damages resulting from the use of the published information. This web site is published with the understanding that it does not render legal, accounting, financial, or other professional advice. Whole or partial reproduction of this web site is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.