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Tom Meaglia, ChFC®, AEP®,


Chartered Financial Consultant

Investment Advisor Representative

Chartered Retirement Planning Counselor

CA Insurance Lic. #0567507


Meaglia Financial Consulting

2105 Foothill Blvd., #B140, La Verne, CA 91750


Toll Free: 800-386-3700

Bus:         909-593-6105

Cell:         818-681-8600

Fax:         909-593-6120




July/August 2023

Understanding ETF Considerations

Investors who are looking for a low-cost investment that offers diversification and tax efficiency may want to consider exchange-traded funds (ETFs)*.

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Inflation and Your Tax Bill

Inflation is measured by changes over time in the price of a fixed basket of goods and services that represent the everyday purchases of U.S. households. Each year, the IRS makes adjustments for inflation to certain items used to prepare your income tax return.

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Increase and Protect Wealth With Life Insurance

In its most basic form, life insurance* is pure financial protection. Most people buy life insurance to provide the financial means to pay final expenses, cover outstanding debts and leave family with the financial ability to carry on.

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Stable Value Funds: A Layer of Protection

Stable value funds* contain a diversified portfolio of fixed-income securities designed to help reduce overall portfolio risk while earning returns that mirror those of an intermediate-term bond fund. Stable value funds offer minimal volatility and low correlation to other asset classes.

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The Nuts and Bolts of a Charitable Lead Trust

High net worth families often face the dual challenges of giving to charity while also ensuring that loved ones – especially a surviving spouse and children – remain financially secure. A charitable lead trust can help meet these dual challenges.

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Understanding APR

If you apply for a loan or open a savings or investment account that pays interest, the documents you sign will include the annual percentage rate, or APR. APR is the yearly interest rate charged for borrowing money or the annual interest rate earned on an investment.

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Welcome to the Sandwich Generation

Approximately one quarter of U.S. adults are members of the “sandwich generation” — individuals who have parents older than 65 and who either are raising at least one child younger than 18 or have provided financial support to an adult child.*

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Secure Act 2.0: Boosting Retirement Readiness

The Secure 2.0 Act of 2022 expands some provisions contained in previous versions of the Act and adds some new ones. The goal is to make saving for the future easier.

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Financial Security Begins When You're Young

When you tossed your mortarboard in the air at graduation, you probably weren’t thinking about the day you would retire. But planning for retirement starts decades before you ever leave the workforce. Ideally, it begins with your first adult job and continues throughout your career. Taking steps to ensure your success should be a priority.

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Help Your Startup Weather Record-high Inflation

Costs go up and sales go down. That’s the double whammy of inflation. When prices of the items you need to run your business increase, profit margins decrease, leaving a business owner in a precarious position. Here are steps you can take that may help maintain profits.

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Tax Planning Takes a Village

A successful business requires planning, so when it comes to determining your business’s income taxes, tax planning can help make the most of deductions and potentially lower your tax bill. By assembling a team of tax, legal and financial professionals, you may be able to create tax strategies that can reduce what you owe.

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Understanding QLAC

A Qualified Longevity Annuity Contract (QLAC)* is a type of deferred annuity purchased with funds from a qualified retirement plan or individual retirement account. It is designed to provide guaranteed income later in life. A QLAC may help a retiree remain in a lower tax bracket by reducing the balance in a retirement account used to calculate required minimum distributions (RMDs).

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Estate Planning Basics: Financial Power of Attorney

You probably know that your most important estate planning document is your will. Your will specifies how you want your property distributed after your death and names a guardian for any minor children you have. But there are other documents you should consider in your estate planning, including a financial power of attorney.

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Environmental Social and Governance

Environmental and social issues are heavily reported topics in American news these days. This heightened awareness among citizens has led to cultural changes in areas from environmental issues to human rights. Financial services firms have created a new form of sustainable investments in response to this cultural shift.

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Decoding Investment Jargon

Because it is so commonplace, investment jargon can stump even regular investors. But high net worth investors may want to pay extra attention to decipher this handful of definitions.

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Don't Put Off "The Talk"

How much have your parents shared with you about their finances and estate plan? It’s a difficult subject for most families. Parents often don’t want to discuss their personal finances, and adult children may be reluctant to initiate the conversation.

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How to Create a Value Statement

If you are interested in choosing among potential charitable endeavors, a value statement can guide you and your loved ones.

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A Financial Wellness Checkup

How are your finances doing? If you're not sure, it may be time to take steps to assess your financial health.

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Number of US Dollar Millionaires By Country, 2021

Check out this pie chart showing the number of millionaries by country.

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Thomas Meaglia is an Investment Adviser Representative of Coppell Advisory Solutions LLC, dba, Fusion Capital Management, a registered investment adviser that only conducts business in jurisdictions where it is properly registered, or is excluded or exempted from registration requirements. Registration as an investment adviser is not an endorsement of the firm by securities regulators and does not mean the adviser has achieved a specific level of skill or ability. The firm is not engaged in the practice of law or accounting.
Insurance and annuity products are not sold through Fusion Capital Management. Fusion does not endorse any annuity or insurance product, nor does it guarantee any insurance or annuity performance. Annuity and life insurance guarantees are subject to the claims-paying ability of the issuing insurance company. If you withdraw money from or surrender your contract within a certain time after investing, the insurance company may assess a surrender charge. Withdrawals may be subject to tax penalties and income taxes. Persons selling annuities and other insurance products receive compensation for these transactions. These commissions are separate and distinct from Fusion's investment advisory fees.
Meaglia Financial Consulting and LTM Marketing Specialists LLC are unrelated companies. This publication was prepared for the publication’s provider by LTM Client Marketing, an unrelated third party. Articles are not written or produced by the named representative.

The information and opinions contained in this web site are obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but their accuracy cannot be guaranteed. The publishers assume no responsibility for errors and omissions or for any damages resulting from the use of the published information. This web site is published with the understanding that it does not render legal, accounting, financial, or other professional advice. Whole or partial reproduction of this web site is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.