Tom Meaglia photo

Tom Meaglia, ChFC®, AEP®,


Chartered Financial Consultant

Investment Advisor Representative

Chartered Retirement Planning Counselor

CA Insurance Lic. #0567507


Meaglia Financial Consulting

2105 Foothill Blvd., #B140, La Verne, CA 91750


Toll Free: 800-386-3700

Bus:         909-593-6105

Cell:         818-681-8600

Fax:         909-593-6120




November/December 2022

Make Key Financial Moves Before Year's End

While buying gifts and holiday supplies might seem to be your biggest priority, the end of the year is the right time to make moves that can impact your future finances.

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Easing into Retirement

If you’re looking forward to more free time but aren’t quite ready to completely retire, semi-retirement might be the answer. While not every company offers this option, you may be able to create a plan for yourself that your employer will approve.

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Plan Carefully Around an Inheritance

You've probably heard stories about athletes and other famous people squandering their wealth and ending up broke and in debt. Spending money irresponsibly without having a strategy can quickly reduce millioins of dollars to zero. If you receive an inheritance, planning with the aid of your financial and tax professionals can help you preserve your windfall and honor your benefactor's legacy.

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Keep a Lid on Your Holiday Spending

It’s easy to get carried away and spend too much during the holidays. Before your holiday spirit leads you into debt, look for ways to control your expenses.

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Inheriting a House

The decision of what to do with a house that passes to you as a part of an inheritance may be an emotional one, especially if it was your childhood home. While you have options, having the house appraised by a qualified appraiser and consulting your legal and insurance professionals should be your first steps.

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More People are Shopping Online

Holiday retail trends over the past seven years have constantly been growing. Online shopping's share in the total holiday revenue wasn't projected to reach the 25.7% share until 2024 — indicating the effect the pandemic had on ecommerce growth.

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Navigating a Recession

Rising inflation and slow economic growth that lasts for several months are earmarks of a recession. Don’t panic. Instead, consult your financial professional for guidance, and consider these ideas to help get you started on creating a recession-proof financial strategy.

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Give to Charity with a Donor-advised Fund

If you want to donate to charitable organizations before the December 31st deadline but haven’t decided where you want your donations to go, consider a donor-advised fund (DAF). With a DAF, you contribute cash, securities, life insurance, money in retirement accounts, or other assets and take an immediate tax deduction in the year you make your donation.

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New IRS Rules for Early Withdrawals

Withdrawing money from a retirement account before age 59½ typically comes with a 10% early withdrawal penalty. One way to avoid the penalty is by taking "substanially equal periodic payments" (SEPP). Once payments begin, they must continue for five years or until you reach age 59½, whichever is longer.

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Protecting Intellectual Property

Intellectual property (IP) can be a significant asset that increases your business's value. Failing to protect IP can leave you with no recourse if a competitor or former key employee appropriates methods or processess you've developed.

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Succession Planning for Your Family Business

You may be completely wrapped up in running your business now, but someday you’ll probably be ready to step away. Succession planning can help ensure a successful transition.

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End-of-Year Tax Moves

During the holiday bustle, income taxes may be the last thing on your mind. But, if you want to lower your tax bill, you have until December 31st to employ certain strategies that can help. Your tax and financial professionals can provide helpful suggestions.

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Claiming Life Insurance Benefits

The beneficiary of a life insurance policy is a person or entity specifically named in the policy to receive the policy’s proceeds. The benefit may be paid to one or more people, a charitable organization, a trust, or a business. A beneficiary designation supersedes any instructions contained in a will.

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Thomas Meaglia is an Investment Adviser Representative of Coppell Advisory Solutions LLC, dba, Fusion Capital Management, a registered investment adviser that only conducts business in jurisdictions where it is properly registered, or is excluded or exempted from registration requirements. Registration as an investment adviser is not an endorsement of the firm by securities regulators and does not mean the adviser has achieved a specific level of skill or ability. The firm is not engaged in the practice of law or accounting.
Insurance and annuity products are not sold through Fusion Capital Management. Fusion does not endorse any annuity or insurance product, nor does it guarantee any insurance or annuity performance. Annuity and life insurance guarantees are subject to the claims-paying ability of the issuing insurance company. If you withdraw money from or surrender your contract within a certain time after investing, the insurance company may assess a surrender charge. Withdrawals may be subject to tax penalties and income taxes. Persons selling annuities and other insurance products receive compensation for these transactions. These commissions are separate and distinct from Fusion's investment advisory fees.
Meaglia Financial Consulting and LTM Marketing Specialists LLC are unrelated companies. This publication was prepared for the publication’s provider by LTM Client Marketing, an unrelated third party. Articles are not written or produced by the named representative.

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